Brand. Illustration. Template.

Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting

Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting are specialists in the Australian energy sector which includes LNG export plants, proposed LNG import terminals, proposed LNG bunkering for ships and the exploration of Hydrogen as a new energy source. The inherent complexity of energy supply chains in these developments has led to the emergence of a new nexus between the energy and maritime sectors. Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting sits at this nexus.

Katherine designed the Drake logo to be simple, sleek and yet relate to the sector. The diagonal line (which also cuts the logotype) represents the emerging field, pathways, pipelines and power.

Templates for Publisher and Word were created so the client could easily create proposals in-house.

Katherine was also commissioned to develop the Drake Nexus illustration, which pulls together all of the consulting sectors into one powerful image that is used on the website and other documents. The elements were drawn separately to allow the map to be resized to fit different medias.

Rod from Drake Energy & Maritime Consulting bought real vision and a clean perspective to what he wanted to achieve with his brand. This clear goal made this project very enjoyable to work on!

drake templates
drake nexus web
drake nexus illustration